Source Themes

Temporal factors in cochlea-scaled entropy and intensity-based intelligibility predictions

The Cochlea-scaled entropy (CSE) index may capture dynamical properties of the speech signal crucial for intelligibility.

Visual form predictions facilitate auditory processing at the N1

Our results indicate that faster auditory processing (as indicated by N1 facilitation) is based on predictive processing generated by a visual cue that clearly predicts both what and when the auditory stimulus will occur.

Exploring the Role of Brain Oscillations in Speech Perception in Noise: Intelligibility of Isochronously Retimed Speech

Any temporal distortion resulted in reduced speech intelligibility; however, isochronous speech anchored to P-centers (approximated by stressed syllable vowel onsets) was significantly more intelligible than a matched anisochronous retimed speech, suggesting a facilitative role of linguistically defined periodicity in processing speech in noise.